GRPR: A model for setting up Team for Success

GRPR A model for setting up team for success, will help managers draft & execute goals while initiating a team and planning or when the team is not working well and to identify what’s wrong.
G: Goals
 - Are the goals clear and accepted by all?
 - Are they suite the environment?
 - Are they SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely)?

R: Roles
 - Which team members fill what specific roles?
 - Which team members complete what specific processes?
P: Process
 - Are process solving methods, communication procedures, decision making methods, resource allocations are understood and acceptable?
 - Are they supportive to the goals and roles?
R: Relationships
 - Ensure candor and trust in communications and relationships
 - Ensure flexibility, sensitivity and creativity when dealing with other members
GRPR ensures the following:
 - Goals are clear
 - Roles are defined and cleared
 - Resources assigned are maximized
 - Leadership is shared
 - Trust  and candor are valued and lead to open communications and relationships
 - Critical components like flexibility, sensitivity and creativity are encouraged

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