What is the basic difference between DMAIC & DMADV?

What is the basic difference between DMAIC & DMADV?

DMAIC is used for existing process as the name suggests, it improves the existing process by removing defects
DMADV: is used for new process as the name suggests, it designs the new process without (negligible) any defect

Customer Relationship Management & Social CRM

Customer Relationship Management & Social CRM

Traditional CRM - Is about — enhance customer analytics, improved operational effectiveness & improved coordination between areas that provides customer service delivery.

CRM developed out of the need to store customer information. It started with businesses trying to build databases of customer contacts and converting filing cabinets full of customer files into easily accessible databases. Many organizations today are capturing terabytes of information about customers: interactions, cases, interests, demographics, responses to marketing efforts, and buying cycles. The key challenge for most businesses is how to capitalize on this information.

Tips for launching the performance measurement process

Tips for launching the performance measurement process

1. Identify internal subject-matter experts who may have insights into the aspects of group's performance that need to measure.

2. Consult with performance measurement (PM) system managers. If company uses a performance measurement system that is managed by a special team or department, ask the system manager or administrator for advice on how to track—and analyze—group's performance.

3. Organize a task force. Assemble a group of peer managers and employees who can help in brainstorm ideas for objectives, metrics, targets, and so forth. Make it clear that the group's effort is iterative: It may need to fine-tune or dramatically revise ideas after testing them under actual conditions.

Identifying Six Sigma Projects

Identifying Six Sigma Projects

Six Sigma is accomplished one project at a time. The billions of dollars saved by companies around the world is the cumulative effect of properly selecting and defining business issues that can be assigned to Green Belts and Black Belts for solution. As you may have read last week, a strategic plan includes planning, adequate links between strategy and action, and effective communications. Six Sigma projects are a key action that you can take to reach your organization's strategic goals.

The intent of this article is to present ideas for identifying issues in your organization and function. These ideas can then be evaluated and formalized into project charters which will allow you to prioritize for implementation.

Project Selection Ideas By Function

What Is HRMS (Human Resource Management System)

What Is HRMS (Human Resource Management System)?
Human resource planning involves the collection and use of personnel data, so that it can be used as input into the strategic HR function. Poor data coming in means poor conclusions. The problem is that there are huge amounts of data one can use in the process.

An HRMS, or Human Resources Management System is a computerized system that accomplishes two very important purposes. First, it allows the keeping of personnel data in a form that can be easily accessed and analysed. In that respect it functions as a means of collecting and organizing data about one's staff that can be used as input into the HR planning function.

Second, it allows to the use of that data to fulfil the various functions usually associated with a human resources department. The human resources management software typically will help administer and record personnel functions through the use of various software modules. A major strength of HRMS is that it is comprehensive and can handle information and HR processes for almost every possible organizational function, and that it's integrated and accessible through a common computer interface. Integration allows exceedingly sophisticated data management and reporting.